Nine Steps You Can Take to Set Your Company Apart From the Competition
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Nine Steps You Can Take to Set Your Company Apart From the Competition

Dec 09, 2023

By Rolling Stone Culture Council

In a world saturated by millions of businesses all claiming to have the perfect solution to whatever problem consumers have, trying to find ways to make your own business rise above the noise can seem like an impossible endeavor. However, even businesses with fierce competition can find ways of standing out — with the right strategy, of course.

To truly get your business noticed and to amass a large following of devoted customers, you’ll need to think thoughtfully about your customers, their needs and what your business can provide that no other business can. To help get you started, nine business leaders from Rolling Stone Culture Council share their insights on differentiating your company from the competition and recommend a few steps you should remember to take to help ensure your success.

Differentiation for the sake of differentiation is a losing proposition. The key is to create products that solve real problems. Too many companies make a product they think is brilliant without stopping to ask if anyone else agrees. The best results come from testing and learning in the market — always looking to improve and always being willing to challenge your own beliefs of what’s right. – Charlie Friedmann, Proxies

Sustainability is the name of the game, so walk the talk! Share your sustainability strategy and engagement plan and give your clients and the broader community updates. Folks want to hear what you’re up to and they want to know they work with a company that aligns with their values. – Zena Harris, Green Spark Group

The key is to intimately understand your customers’ needs and pain points, and then to ensure your people are equipped to address those better than anyone else. Prioritizing compassionate care toward both your staff and customers, while providing superb service, is how you compete on more than just quality or price — it’s how you earn customers for life and drive sustainable growth. – Jonathan Kleeman, Story Group

After conducting thorough research, you have identified a gap in the market that your company can fill. Crafting a mission statement is crucial to establishing your distinct brand identity and securing a prominent position within the market. A well-crafted mission statement will convey your unique values and benefits to your target audience and confidently set you apart from competitors. – Michael Klein, cannabisMD

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A crucial step in setting your company apart is embracing a results-driven nature. Emphasize your achievements and share them broadly. Don’t shy away from promoting your results across all platforms — visible success inspires trust. Publicizing your victories sets you apart and reassures potential clients of your competency and commitment to delivering exceptional results. – Tim Haldorsson, Lunar Strategy

Your unique value proposition should address the specific pain points or challenges your target audience faces. By understanding their needs and providing unique solutions or benefits, you position yourself as the ideal choice. This shows that you know your customers and can deliver value that directly addresses their concerns, compelling them to choose your company over others. – Kristin Marquet, Marquet Media, LLC

Define and emphasize your unique selling proposition (USP) to establish a distinct reputation in the minds of your target audience. When you are known for doing one or two things really well, you can stand out in a crowded market, build customer loyalty, address customer pain points and differentiate on more than price. Focus on perfecting your USP, and customers will come flocking. – Dan Serard, Cannabis Creative Group

Every company and brand attempts to differentiate, but surgical, strategic and successful differentiation is what separates the major league players from the minors. In order to create a sense of differentiation so impactful that it possesses the overwhelming power to inspire people to buy your products, it takes a lot of listening to your audience — personalization and bespoke experiences are key. – Evan Rubinson, Dean Guitars

Always use strategy and authenticity as a North Star. If you start with that, rather than being distracted by working with the biggest name or celebrity, you will always do right by the client. Too often, brand clients serve as cultural barometers. A good strategy, rooted in authenticity, allows an agency to show how the right celebrity association can surpass original business goals. – Glenn Minerley, Momentum Worldwide

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