Rutledge steps down as president of Hernando Civic Garden Club
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Rutledge steps down as president of Hernando Civic Garden Club

Jun 24, 2023

By Pat Young

Debby Rutledge recently stepped down after serving as president of Hernando Civic Garden Club and its 35 members for the last four years.

The position of club president has traditionally been a two-year term, but for various reasons, Rutledge held the position for four. Several events and accolades for the club punctuated her years of leadership.

Her term began in the spring of 2019 with the group hosting the Hills and Delta District Meeting, when members from 21 clubs throughout north Mississippi gathered in Hernando.

Rutledge helped the club survive and then thrive during and after the Covid pandemic by holding meetings where members could distance themselves from each other and by conducting business electronically.

In the spring of 2021, she led Hernando Civic Garden Club as host club for the state convention of the 2700-member state organization, The Garden Clubs of Mississippi, Inc. Not only was this the first time the club had hosted a state convention, but it was also the first time any convention had been held in Hernando.

Rutledge also led the club in executing many community projects during her term, including the recent planting of the Blues Garden at the DeSoto County Museum, the presentation of an annual display and information center during National Garden Week at the James F. Anderson Library in Hernando, the presentation of a demonstration during the Chamber of Commerce Christmas Open House on the DeSoto County Courthouse square, the continued naming and tagging of trees on the Courthouse lawn, and the planting of native plants along the ARK Trail in DeSoto County.

Hernando Civic Garden Club garnered many awards for its projects and youth activities during Rutledge’s tenure. These awards were presented at 3 levels: from the state organization, The Garden Clubs of Mississippi, Inc.; from the regional level, Deep South Garden Clubs, Inc.; and the national level, National Garden Clubs, Inc.

Over the last 4 years, the club received a total of 3 state special awards, 62 state general awards, 32 state youth awards, 21 Deep South general awards, 19 Deep South Youth Awards, 8 national general awards, and 6 national youth awards.

One of the Special Awards the club received this year was for its activities at Earth Day in Hernando, and the prize included a pottery piece in the shape of the state of Mississippi. The club voted unanimously to present the pottery to Rutledge as a thank-you for her leadership.

Rutledge recently turned the reins over to incoming president Suzanne Cox and says she is looking forward to continuing her participation in all the club’s activities.

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